Bachelor of Theology

The Bachelor of Theology (B.Th., Th.B. or BTheol) is a three to five year undergraduate degree in theological disciplines. Candidates for this degree typically must complete course work in Greek or Hebrew, as well as systematic theology, biblical theology, ethics, homiletics, hermeneutics and Christian ministry. It does not require a thesis but is often a year longer than a Bachelor of Religious Education or Bachelor of Arts. In some denominations, notably the Church of England, it is considered sufficient for formal ordination.

Bachelor of Theology

The Bachelor of Theology (B.Th., Th.B. or BTheol) is a three to five year undergraduate degree in theological disciplines. Candidates for this degree typically must complete course work in Greek or Hebrew, as well as systematic theology, biblical theology, ethics, homiletics, hermeneutics and Christian ministry. It does not require a thesis but is often a year longer than a Bachelor of Religious Education or Bachelor of Arts. In some denominations, notably the Church of England, it is considered sufficient for formal ordination.