Baluch Liberation Front

The Balochistan Liberation Front (Urdu: بلوچستان لبریشن فرنٹ‎; BLF) is a political front and militant group founded by Jumma Khan Marri in 1964 in Damascus, and played an important role in the 1968-1980 insurgency in Pakistani Balochistan and Iranian Balochistan. The group deny any type of collaboration with Jundullah, because of their religious extremism.

Baluch Liberation Front

The Balochistan Liberation Front (Urdu: بلوچستان لبریشن فرنٹ‎; BLF) is a political front and militant group founded by Jumma Khan Marri in 1964 in Damascus, and played an important role in the 1968-1980 insurgency in Pakistani Balochistan and Iranian Balochistan. The group deny any type of collaboration with Jundullah, because of their religious extremism.