Bangalore Club

Located in Bangalore, India, The Bangalore Club is the oldest club in the city, founded in 1868. It counts among its previous members Winston Churchill and the Maharajah of Mysore. A ledger on display in the main building of the club is open to a page that has a list of "irrecoverable debts" that were written off by the club. One of these is the sum Rs.13, owed by Winston Churchill. Membership at present for the category of new permanent members is closed, but last when open, had a waiting list of over 30 years.

Bangalore Club

Located in Bangalore, India, The Bangalore Club is the oldest club in the city, founded in 1868. It counts among its previous members Winston Churchill and the Maharajah of Mysore. A ledger on display in the main building of the club is open to a page that has a list of "irrecoverable debts" that were written off by the club. One of these is the sum Rs.13, owed by Winston Churchill. Membership at present for the category of new permanent members is closed, but last when open, had a waiting list of over 30 years.