Bangla Desh – A Voice of a New Nation

Bangla Desh – A Voice of a New Nation was an anthology of poems published in 1971, when the people of the-then East Pakistan, now Bangladesh, was fighting the war of independence against the occupation army of West Pakistan. It was a collection of seventy poems by fifty poets, all translated from Bengali into English by Pritish Nandy. It was stated in the credit page that 'The translator's royalty from the sale of this book will be donated to the Bangla Desh Assistance Fund'. Notably Bangladesh emerged as an independent state on 16 December 1971.

Bangla Desh – A Voice of a New Nation

Bangla Desh – A Voice of a New Nation was an anthology of poems published in 1971, when the people of the-then East Pakistan, now Bangladesh, was fighting the war of independence against the occupation army of West Pakistan. It was a collection of seventy poems by fifty poets, all translated from Bengali into English by Pritish Nandy. It was stated in the credit page that 'The translator's royalty from the sale of this book will be donated to the Bangla Desh Assistance Fund'. Notably Bangladesh emerged as an independent state on 16 December 1971.