Bargain and sale deed

A bargain and sale deed is in United States real property law, a deed "conveying real property without covenants". This is a deed "for which the grantor implies to have or have had an interest in the property but offers no warranties of title to the grantee. This type of deed is typically used in many states to transfer title." Under common law, this type of deed technically created a use (law) in the buyer who then gets title. Under the Statute of uses, modern real property law disregards this subtle distinction.

Bargain and sale deed

A bargain and sale deed is in United States real property law, a deed "conveying real property without covenants". This is a deed "for which the grantor implies to have or have had an interest in the property but offers no warranties of title to the grantee. This type of deed is typically used in many states to transfer title." Under common law, this type of deed technically created a use (law) in the buyer who then gets title. Under the Statute of uses, modern real property law disregards this subtle distinction.