
Barom-1 (Japanese: バロム・1 Hepburn: Baromu Wan) is a Japanese manga series written by Takao Saito. Original story was serialized for about a year from 1970 in Weekly Bokura Magazine (週刊ぼくらマガジン Shukan Bokura Magajin). It was available online in English through, but is now on Crunchyroll. In 1972, the manga was adapted into a TV tokusatsu series titled Chōjin Barom-1 (超人バロム・1) by Toei, and broadcast by Yomiuri TV every Sunday 19:30–20:00 from April 2 to November 26. In this TV series, the original story and character designs by Saito were widely changed.


Barom-1 (Japanese: バロム・1 Hepburn: Baromu Wan) is a Japanese manga series written by Takao Saito. Original story was serialized for about a year from 1970 in Weekly Bokura Magazine (週刊ぼくらマガジン Shukan Bokura Magajin). It was available online in English through, but is now on Crunchyroll. In 1972, the manga was adapted into a TV tokusatsu series titled Chōjin Barom-1 (超人バロム・1) by Toei, and broadcast by Yomiuri TV every Sunday 19:30–20:00 from April 2 to November 26. In this TV series, the original story and character designs by Saito were widely changed.