
Barquero is a 1970 western film directed by Gordon Douglas. After stealing a shipment of silver and weapons, the brutal and unstable Remy (Warren Oates) and his band of mercenaries must cross the river in order to flee into Mexico. The boatman of a small settlement, Travis (Lee Van Cleef), refuses to transport the gang on his barge, knowing that to do so would be suicide. Travis and his woman Nola (Marie Gomez) transport the settlement's inhabitants and a group of passing settlers to the river's far side. A tense standoff develops between the gang and the inhabitants and settlers who are on opposite sides of the river which explodes into a violent and bloody climax.


Barquero is a 1970 western film directed by Gordon Douglas. After stealing a shipment of silver and weapons, the brutal and unstable Remy (Warren Oates) and his band of mercenaries must cross the river in order to flee into Mexico. The boatman of a small settlement, Travis (Lee Van Cleef), refuses to transport the gang on his barge, knowing that to do so would be suicide. Travis and his woman Nola (Marie Gomez) transport the settlement's inhabitants and a group of passing settlers to the river's far side. A tense standoff develops between the gang and the inhabitants and settlers who are on opposite sides of the river which explodes into a violent and bloody climax.