Battle of Farhadgerd

While Abul-Qasim Babur Mirza was away from Herat crushing the revolt of Amir Hendugha in Asterabad, Ala-ud-Daulah Mirza, his older brother, managed to escape from prison in Herat and went straight to his youngest brother Sultan Muhammad Mirza's province of Fars seeking his protection. Sultan Muhammad Mirza and Ala-ud-Daulah Mirza then marched with a large army and invaded Khurasan in 1449. This was the same time as the revolt of Abdal-Latif Mirza in Balkh against his father Ulugh Beg at Samarkand. While the father and son were busy facing off at the Amu Darya in the north, the Baysonqor brothers were about to engage in battle in Khurasan. Abul-Qasim Babur Mirza marched to face his brothers in battle and the two armies met at Farhadgerd. Sultan Muhammad Mirza and Ala-ud-Daulah Mirza defeate

Battle of Farhadgerd

While Abul-Qasim Babur Mirza was away from Herat crushing the revolt of Amir Hendugha in Asterabad, Ala-ud-Daulah Mirza, his older brother, managed to escape from prison in Herat and went straight to his youngest brother Sultan Muhammad Mirza's province of Fars seeking his protection. Sultan Muhammad Mirza and Ala-ud-Daulah Mirza then marched with a large army and invaded Khurasan in 1449. This was the same time as the revolt of Abdal-Latif Mirza in Balkh against his father Ulugh Beg at Samarkand. While the father and son were busy facing off at the Amu Darya in the north, the Baysonqor brothers were about to engage in battle in Khurasan. Abul-Qasim Babur Mirza marched to face his brothers in battle and the two armies met at Farhadgerd. Sultan Muhammad Mirza and Ala-ud-Daulah Mirza defeate