Battle of Kütahya–Eskişehir

The Battle of Kütahya–Eskişehir (Greek: Μάχες Κιουτάχειας-Εσκί Σεχίρ (Δορυλαίου), Turkish: Kütahya-Eskişehir Muharebeleri), was fought between July 10 and July 24 (or June 27 and July 10 in the old calendar, then in use in Greece), 1921 when the Greek Army of Asia Minor defeated the Turkish troops commanded by İsmet Pasha in defence of the line of Kara Hisâr-ı Sahib (present day Afyonkarahisar)-Kütahya-Eskişehir. It was also known in some Greek historiography as the Battle of Dorylaion and known in Turkish historiography as the Battles of Kütahya-Eskişehir (Turkish: Kütahya-Eskişehir Muharebeleri or Kütahya-Eskişehir Savaşları‎). It was part of the Greek Asia Minor Campaign and the Turkish War of Independence of 1919–1922.

Battle of Kütahya–Eskişehir

The Battle of Kütahya–Eskişehir (Greek: Μάχες Κιουτάχειας-Εσκί Σεχίρ (Δορυλαίου), Turkish: Kütahya-Eskişehir Muharebeleri), was fought between July 10 and July 24 (or June 27 and July 10 in the old calendar, then in use in Greece), 1921 when the Greek Army of Asia Minor defeated the Turkish troops commanded by İsmet Pasha in defence of the line of Kara Hisâr-ı Sahib (present day Afyonkarahisar)-Kütahya-Eskişehir. It was also known in some Greek historiography as the Battle of Dorylaion and known in Turkish historiography as the Battles of Kütahya-Eskişehir (Turkish: Kütahya-Eskişehir Muharebeleri or Kütahya-Eskişehir Savaşları‎). It was part of the Greek Asia Minor Campaign and the Turkish War of Independence of 1919–1922.