Battle of Menaka

On 16 November 2012, during the MNLA (Movement for the National Liberation of Azawad) failed offensive to reclaim its former city-base of Gao recently taken by Islamists groups, Islamists launch a counter-attack of their own targeted at the MNLA stronghold of Ménaka, north of Gao, the last bastion under MNLA control. At approximately 11 A.M, two brigades under the command of MNLA Deputy Chief of Staff Machkanani Ag Balla and Colonel Sidi Ag Moulya Molla ambushed a squadron of MOJWA rebels on route to Ménaka. The ambush takes place in Tagarangabotte, on the road between Ansongo and Ménaka. The column of vehicles destined for Ménaka is temporarily subdued in fierce fighting with MNLA troops. The Islamists column is forced to turn back however proves insufficient in stopping their offensive.

Battle of Menaka

On 16 November 2012, during the MNLA (Movement for the National Liberation of Azawad) failed offensive to reclaim its former city-base of Gao recently taken by Islamists groups, Islamists launch a counter-attack of their own targeted at the MNLA stronghold of Ménaka, north of Gao, the last bastion under MNLA control. At approximately 11 A.M, two brigades under the command of MNLA Deputy Chief of Staff Machkanani Ag Balla and Colonel Sidi Ag Moulya Molla ambushed a squadron of MOJWA rebels on route to Ménaka. The ambush takes place in Tagarangabotte, on the road between Ansongo and Ménaka. The column of vehicles destined for Ménaka is temporarily subdued in fierce fighting with MNLA troops. The Islamists column is forced to turn back however proves insufficient in stopping their offensive.