Battle of Tampere

The Battle of Tampere of the Finnish Civil War was fought in Finland in 1918 between Red and White forces. The White forces besieged and captured the main city of the Red Guards, Tampere, taking around 10,000 Red prisoners. As of the year of 1918 the Battle of Tampere was the bloodiest conflict to have occurred during the history of Finland. This was the world's largest, organized modern urban battle at the time. All previous urban battles were smaller, lacked use of modern weaponry or were less organized. Year after this, the Russians claimed this title during Defense of Petrograd, having more men while also fielding few tanks in addition to other modern weaponry.

Battle of Tampere

The Battle of Tampere of the Finnish Civil War was fought in Finland in 1918 between Red and White forces. The White forces besieged and captured the main city of the Red Guards, Tampere, taking around 10,000 Red prisoners. As of the year of 1918 the Battle of Tampere was the bloodiest conflict to have occurred during the history of Finland. This was the world's largest, organized modern urban battle at the time. All previous urban battles were smaller, lacked use of modern weaponry or were less organized. Year after this, the Russians claimed this title during Defense of Petrograd, having more men while also fielding few tanks in addition to other modern weaponry.