Beating of Chrissy Lee Polis

Chrissy Lee Polis is a transgender woman who was beaten at a McDonald's in Rosedale, Maryland in Baltimore County on April 18, 2011. The video of the beating was posted online and became a viral video. Both suspects of the beating were prosecuted. The beating led to awareness of violence against transgender people in Maryland, and Howard County, Maryland, passed a county law protecting transgender people.

Beating of Chrissy Lee Polis

Chrissy Lee Polis is a transgender woman who was beaten at a McDonald's in Rosedale, Maryland in Baltimore County on April 18, 2011. The video of the beating was posted online and became a viral video. Both suspects of the beating were prosecuted. The beating led to awareness of violence against transgender people in Maryland, and Howard County, Maryland, passed a county law protecting transgender people.