Ben Hill County Jail

The Ben Hill County Jail is a historic building in Fitzgerald, Georgia, located on Pine Street. It was designed by J. Reginald MacEachron. It was built in 1909 in the Romanesque style - the first jailin the newly created county. It is two stories high on a raised basement. It originally had an elaborately corbeled battlemented tower, but it was shortened between 1920 and 1935. The south entrance leads to the sheriff's living quarters which was used by the sheriff and his family until the 1950s. It was used until not too long before 1982.

Ben Hill County Jail

The Ben Hill County Jail is a historic building in Fitzgerald, Georgia, located on Pine Street. It was designed by J. Reginald MacEachron. It was built in 1909 in the Romanesque style - the first jailin the newly created county. It is two stories high on a raised basement. It originally had an elaborately corbeled battlemented tower, but it was shortened between 1920 and 1935. The south entrance leads to the sheriff's living quarters which was used by the sheriff and his family until the 1950s. It was used until not too long before 1982.