Bentivolio and Urania

Bentivoglio and Urania is a prose historical romance and religious allegory written by Nathaniel Ingelo, and published from 1660 by Richard Marriot. It is identified as a Puritan work of fiction. Regarded as an unsuccessful imitation of the Argenis of John Barclay, from four decades earlier, it has also been thought a possible source of inspiration for the Pilgrim's Progress (1678) of John Bunyan.

Bentivolio and Urania

Bentivoglio and Urania is a prose historical romance and religious allegory written by Nathaniel Ingelo, and published from 1660 by Richard Marriot. It is identified as a Puritan work of fiction. Regarded as an unsuccessful imitation of the Argenis of John Barclay, from four decades earlier, it has also been thought a possible source of inspiration for the Pilgrim's Progress (1678) of John Bunyan.