
The most likely location of Bethabara is Al-Maghtas in Jordan. Traditions based on interpretations of the scriptural texts connect the site with two other miracles: the crossing of the River Jordan, whose waters were divinely restrained, by the Israelites under the command of Joshua (Joshua 3); and Prophet Elijah being taken to heaven by chariots of fire (2 Kings 2:9, 11). Bethabara is also mentioned as the location of Jesus' baptism in The Book of Mormon, as foretold by the first prophet in the Book of Mormon, Lehi, approximately 600 years before Jesus' birth.


The most likely location of Bethabara is Al-Maghtas in Jordan. Traditions based on interpretations of the scriptural texts connect the site with two other miracles: the crossing of the River Jordan, whose waters were divinely restrained, by the Israelites under the command of Joshua (Joshua 3); and Prophet Elijah being taken to heaven by chariots of fire (2 Kings 2:9, 11). Bethabara is also mentioned as the location of Jesus' baptism in The Book of Mormon, as foretold by the first prophet in the Book of Mormon, Lehi, approximately 600 years before Jesus' birth.