
Bethphage (Aramaic בית פגי, lit. "House of un-ripe figs") or Bethsphage is a Christian religious site in Israel. Bethphage is mentioned in the New Testament as the place in ancient Israel from which Jesus sent his disciples to find a donkey and a colt, upon which he would ride into Jerusalem. The synoptic gospels mention it as being close to Bethany. Bethphage is about 2 km from the modern village of al-Eizariya.


Bethphage (Aramaic בית פגי, lit. "House of un-ripe figs") or Bethsphage is a Christian religious site in Israel. Bethphage is mentioned in the New Testament as the place in ancient Israel from which Jesus sent his disciples to find a donkey and a colt, upon which he would ride into Jerusalem. The synoptic gospels mention it as being close to Bethany. Bethphage is about 2 km from the modern village of al-Eizariya.