Betty Bossi

Betty Bossi is a Swiss cookbook publisher. The Betty Bossi brand published various cookbooks and newsletters and sponsored various cooking contests. Shirley Eu-Wong, author of Culture shock!: Switzerland, said that Betty Bossi "recipe booklets can be found in almost any Swiss-Romande kitchen cabinet." The brand is operated by Betty Bossi AG/Betty Bossi SA, headquartered in Zurich. For a period of time around 2003, Swiss International Air Lines offered a buy on board service in economy class on European flights generally 70 minutes or longer, with menu items from Betty Bossi.

Betty Bossi

Betty Bossi is a Swiss cookbook publisher. The Betty Bossi brand published various cookbooks and newsletters and sponsored various cooking contests. Shirley Eu-Wong, author of Culture shock!: Switzerland, said that Betty Bossi "recipe booklets can be found in almost any Swiss-Romande kitchen cabinet." The brand is operated by Betty Bossi AG/Betty Bossi SA, headquartered in Zurich. For a period of time around 2003, Swiss International Air Lines offered a buy on board service in economy class on European flights generally 70 minutes or longer, with menu items from Betty Bossi.