Bikini Bloodbath

Bikini Bloodbath is a 2006 comedy film that parodies the horror-slasher movies of the 1980s. Written and directed by Thomas Edward Seymour and Jonathan Gorman, the film focuses on a high school girls’ volleyball team that plans to host an end-of-semester party. Two members of the boys’ football team crash the party, but problems begin when the maniacal Chef Death, a serial killer portrayed by Rob Coz, who wields meat cleavers and culinary one-liners, interrupts the proceedings by slaying the partygoers.

Bikini Bloodbath

Bikini Bloodbath is a 2006 comedy film that parodies the horror-slasher movies of the 1980s. Written and directed by Thomas Edward Seymour and Jonathan Gorman, the film focuses on a high school girls’ volleyball team that plans to host an end-of-semester party. Two members of the boys’ football team crash the party, but problems begin when the maniacal Chef Death, a serial killer portrayed by Rob Coz, who wields meat cleavers and culinary one-liners, interrupts the proceedings by slaying the partygoers.