Binding Triad

The Binding Triad (or World Parliament) is a proposal to amend the United Nations Charter to allow the United Nations General Assembly to pass binding resolutions with the approval of a supermajority of members. For a resolution to be binding, it would require the support of nations: * Comprising a majority of members of the United Nations. * Whose combined contributions in dues comprise a majority of the U.N. budget. * Whose combined populations comprise a majority of the world population.

Binding Triad

The Binding Triad (or World Parliament) is a proposal to amend the United Nations Charter to allow the United Nations General Assembly to pass binding resolutions with the approval of a supermajority of members. For a resolution to be binding, it would require the support of nations: * Comprising a majority of members of the United Nations. * Whose combined contributions in dues comprise a majority of the U.N. budget. * Whose combined populations comprise a majority of the world population.