Birdbeak dogfish

The birdbeak dogfish, Deania calcea, is a dogfish shark of the family Centrophoridae found in the Pacific Ocean around Honshū, Japan, southern Australia, New Zealand, and Chile, and in the Atlantic Ocean from Iceland south to the Cape of Good Hope. The birdbeak dogfish has a very long, narrow snout, no anal fin, two long and low dorsal fins with grooved spines, small rectangular pectoral fins, and pitchfork-like denticles. It lives at depths between 73 and 1,450 m. It is ovoviviparous with up to 12 pups per litter. It eats bony fish and shrimp.

Birdbeak dogfish

The birdbeak dogfish, Deania calcea, is a dogfish shark of the family Centrophoridae found in the Pacific Ocean around Honshū, Japan, southern Australia, New Zealand, and Chile, and in the Atlantic Ocean from Iceland south to the Cape of Good Hope. The birdbeak dogfish has a very long, narrow snout, no anal fin, two long and low dorsal fins with grooved spines, small rectangular pectoral fins, and pitchfork-like denticles. It lives at depths between 73 and 1,450 m. It is ovoviviparous with up to 12 pups per litter. It eats bony fish and shrimp.