Birkavs cabinet

The Birkavs cabinet was the government of Latvia from 3 August 1993 to 19 September 1994. It was led by Prime Minister Valdis Birkavs. It took office on 3 August 1993, after the July 1993 election. It was replaced by the Krištopans cabinet on 26 November 1998, after the October 1998 election.

Birkavs cabinet

The Birkavs cabinet was the government of Latvia from 3 August 1993 to 19 September 1994. It was led by Prime Minister Valdis Birkavs. It took office on 3 August 1993, after the July 1993 election. It was replaced by the Krištopans cabinet on 26 November 1998, after the October 1998 election.