Birnirk culture

The Birnirk culture was a prehistoric Inuit culture of the north coast of Alaska, dating from the sixth century A.D. to the twelfth century A.D. The Birnirk culture first appeared on the American side of the Bering Strait, descending from the Old Bering Sea/Okvik culture and preceding the Thule culture; it is distinguished by its advanced harpoon and marine technology.A burial mound of the Birnirk culture was discovered in the town of Wales; 16 more have been found in Barrow at the "Birnirk Site," which is now a National Historic Landmark. An ancient Birnirk village was at Ukpiagvik.

Birnirk culture

The Birnirk culture was a prehistoric Inuit culture of the north coast of Alaska, dating from the sixth century A.D. to the twelfth century A.D. The Birnirk culture first appeared on the American side of the Bering Strait, descending from the Old Bering Sea/Okvik culture and preceding the Thule culture; it is distinguished by its advanced harpoon and marine technology.A burial mound of the Birnirk culture was discovered in the town of Wales; 16 more have been found in Barrow at the "Birnirk Site," which is now a National Historic Landmark. An ancient Birnirk village was at Ukpiagvik.