Blue (Da Ba Dee) (music video)

The music video for Eiffel 65's Blue (Da Ba Dee) was released in 1999 by the BlissCoMedia, a computer graphics company of the Bliss Corporation, known at the time the video was produced and released as "BlissMultiMedia". The video featured computer graphics done in 3ds Max, and features Eiffel 65 members Maurizio Lobina and Gabry Ponte trying to save Jeffrey Jey from the aliens Zorotl and Sayok6. The video was later uploaded to the Bliss Corporation's official YouTube channel in 2009, where, as of June 5, 2016, it has more than 86 million views.

Blue (Da Ba Dee) (music video)

The music video for Eiffel 65's Blue (Da Ba Dee) was released in 1999 by the BlissCoMedia, a computer graphics company of the Bliss Corporation, known at the time the video was produced and released as "BlissMultiMedia". The video featured computer graphics done in 3ds Max, and features Eiffel 65 members Maurizio Lobina and Gabry Ponte trying to save Jeffrey Jey from the aliens Zorotl and Sayok6. The video was later uploaded to the Bliss Corporation's official YouTube channel in 2009, where, as of June 5, 2016, it has more than 86 million views.