Blue (soft drink)

Blue is the mark of a soda juice fruit and vitamins sold in Angola. The drink is available in 10 flavors. Released in 2005 by Refriango company, the market leader in Angola, it was awarded the Gold Medal at the International Monde Selection Quality. The Blue brand is available in distinct flavors which other Angolan carbonated soft drinks do not use. The drink's slogan is "life is a feast".

Blue (soft drink)

Blue is the mark of a soda juice fruit and vitamins sold in Angola. The drink is available in 10 flavors. Released in 2005 by Refriango company, the market leader in Angola, it was awarded the Gold Medal at the International Monde Selection Quality. The Blue brand is available in distinct flavors which other Angolan carbonated soft drinks do not use. The drink's slogan is "life is a feast".