Blue Monk

"Blue Monk" is a jazz standard written by Thelonious Monk that has become one of his most enduring tunes. First recorded for the album Thelonious Monk Trio, it is a B flat blues and is similar to the jazz tune "Pastel Blue".<score vorbis="1" midi="1">elative c' { << ew ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t\chordmode { bes1 ees1 bes1~ bes4 bes2.:7} } ew Staff { empo "Medium blues"\key bes \majord8 ees e f~ f2 | g8 gis a bes~ bes2 | f8 g f e ees e, cis' d~ | imes 2/3 { d8 des4 } c2 r4 |}>>}</score>

Blue Monk

"Blue Monk" is a jazz standard written by Thelonious Monk that has become one of his most enduring tunes. First recorded for the album Thelonious Monk Trio, it is a B flat blues and is similar to the jazz tune "Pastel Blue".<score vorbis="1" midi="1">elative c' { << ew ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t\chordmode { bes1 ees1 bes1~ bes4 bes2.:7} } ew Staff { empo "Medium blues"\key bes \majord8 ees e f~ f2 | g8 gis a bes~ bes2 | f8 g f e ees e, cis' d~ | imes 2/3 { d8 des4 } c2 r4 |}>>}</score>