Blues Armory

The Blues Armory is a large brick armory in downtown Richmond, Virginia. Housing the Richmond Light Infantry Blues, the castle-like structure originally served multiple purposes, with a food market on the ground floor and a drill hall for the National Guard of the United States on the top floor. The level between housed suites of offices for each individual National Guard company. In the 1985, the ground floor was converted to retail and restaurant space, part of the 6th Street Marketplace.

Blues Armory

The Blues Armory is a large brick armory in downtown Richmond, Virginia. Housing the Richmond Light Infantry Blues, the castle-like structure originally served multiple purposes, with a food market on the ground floor and a drill hall for the National Guard of the United States on the top floor. The level between housed suites of offices for each individual National Guard company. In the 1985, the ground floor was converted to retail and restaurant space, part of the 6th Street Marketplace.