Boys Life 2

Boys Life 2 is a compilation of 4 short films about being gay in America. * Must Be the Music (directed by Nickolas Perry) offers a frank depiction of urban gay youth. * Nunzio's Second Cousin finds a gay policeman getting even with homophobic people. * Alkali, Iowa (directed by Mark Christopher) chronicles a Midwestern, teenaged gay male who unearths his dead father's secret. * The Dadshuttle centers on the communication breakdown between a father and his son, who is gay. (*"And if you buy the limited DVD you get the segment titled 'Trevor', starring Brett Barsky")

Boys Life 2

Boys Life 2 is a compilation of 4 short films about being gay in America. * Must Be the Music (directed by Nickolas Perry) offers a frank depiction of urban gay youth. * Nunzio's Second Cousin finds a gay policeman getting even with homophobic people. * Alkali, Iowa (directed by Mark Christopher) chronicles a Midwestern, teenaged gay male who unearths his dead father's secret. * The Dadshuttle centers on the communication breakdown between a father and his son, who is gay. (*"And if you buy the limited DVD you get the segment titled 'Trevor', starring Brett Barsky")