Brahmrishi Bawra Shanti Vidya Peeth, Udhampur

Brahmrishi Bawra Shanti Vidya Peeth is in Udhampur, the second largest district of Jammu and Kashmir.It was founded by Brahmrishi Vishvatma Bawra ji Maharaj also known as Guruji by his devotees in 1998 with Swamini Chinmaya jyoti ji as its chairperson. The school is located in a campus of about 10 canals, which was donated by Shri Dina Nath Ji to the mission for opening a school for the welfare of Udhampur city.

Brahmrishi Bawra Shanti Vidya Peeth, Udhampur

Brahmrishi Bawra Shanti Vidya Peeth is in Udhampur, the second largest district of Jammu and Kashmir.It was founded by Brahmrishi Vishvatma Bawra ji Maharaj also known as Guruji by his devotees in 1998 with Swamini Chinmaya jyoti ji as its chairperson. The school is located in a campus of about 10 canals, which was donated by Shri Dina Nath Ji to the mission for opening a school for the welfare of Udhampur city.