Braj Bhasha literature

Braj Bhasha literature is literature in Braj Bhasha, a dialect of Hindi language or specifically Western Hindi. It is of mystical nature, related to the spiritual union of people with God, because almost all of the Braj Bhasha poets were considered God-realised saints and their words are thus considered as directly emanating from a divine source. Much of the traditional Northern Indian literature shares this trait. It literary tradition is a celebration of Lord Krishna. The Braj region has a rich legacy and the medium was mainly the literary vehicle for the poets viz. Surdas, Tulsidas, Acharya Ram Chandra Shukla, Raskhan, Amir Khusrau among others.

Braj Bhasha literature

Braj Bhasha literature is literature in Braj Bhasha, a dialect of Hindi language or specifically Western Hindi. It is of mystical nature, related to the spiritual union of people with God, because almost all of the Braj Bhasha poets were considered God-realised saints and their words are thus considered as directly emanating from a divine source. Much of the traditional Northern Indian literature shares this trait. It literary tradition is a celebration of Lord Krishna. The Braj region has a rich legacy and the medium was mainly the literary vehicle for the poets viz. Surdas, Tulsidas, Acharya Ram Chandra Shukla, Raskhan, Amir Khusrau among others.