Bride buying

Bride-purchasing or bride-buying is the industry or trade of “purchasing a bride” to become property and at times as property that can be resold or repurchased for reselling. Bride-purchasing or bride-selling is practiced by bride-sellers and bride-buyers in parts of countries such as Syria, India and China, among others. The practice is described as a form of “marriage of convenience” but is illegal in many countries in the world.

Bride buying

Bride-purchasing or bride-buying is the industry or trade of “purchasing a bride” to become property and at times as property that can be resold or repurchased for reselling. Bride-purchasing or bride-selling is practiced by bride-sellers and bride-buyers in parts of countries such as Syria, India and China, among others. The practice is described as a form of “marriage of convenience” but is illegal in many countries in the world.