Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling

The Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling is a Buddhist organization, which main office is registered to the Office for religious communities of the Government of Slovenia. Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling is also signatory of an agreement with the State of Slovenia, and is as such the 6th religious community to have signed such agreement in Slovenia (after the four Christian faiths and the Muslim community). Dharmaling is also active in the humanitarian fields, through AMCHI non profit organization created since 1989, and its Foundation.

Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling

The Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling is a Buddhist organization, which main office is registered to the Office for religious communities of the Government of Slovenia. Buddhist Congregation Dharmaling is also signatory of an agreement with the State of Slovenia, and is as such the 6th religious community to have signed such agreement in Slovenia (after the four Christian faiths and the Muslim community). Dharmaling is also active in the humanitarian fields, through AMCHI non profit organization created since 1989, and its Foundation.