
Buddymoon (previously known as Honey Buddies) is a 2016 American independent comedy film directed by Alex Simmons; written by Simmons, Flula Borg, and David Giuntoli; and starring Borg and Giuntoli. It is the story of a former child actor (Giuntoli) whose fiancée leaves him days before their wedding. In an effort to cheer him up, his best friend and would-be best man (Borg) convinces him that the two of them should go on the planned honeymoon trip together.


Buddymoon (previously known as Honey Buddies) is a 2016 American independent comedy film directed by Alex Simmons; written by Simmons, Flula Borg, and David Giuntoli; and starring Borg and Giuntoli. It is the story of a former child actor (Giuntoli) whose fiancée leaves him days before their wedding. In an effort to cheer him up, his best friend and would-be best man (Borg) convinces him that the two of them should go on the planned honeymoon trip together.