
Like most physicians in the early Abbasid courts, they came from the Academy of Gondishapur in Persia (in modern-day southwestern Iran). They were well versed in the Greek and Hindi sciences, including those of Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras, and Galen, which they aided in translating while working in Gondishapur. In the course of their integration into the changing society after the Islamic invasion of Persia, the family acquired Arabic while preserving Persian as oral language for about 200 years.


Like most physicians in the early Abbasid courts, they came from the Academy of Gondishapur in Persia (in modern-day southwestern Iran). They were well versed in the Greek and Hindi sciences, including those of Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras, and Galen, which they aided in translating while working in Gondishapur. In the course of their integration into the changing society after the Islamic invasion of Persia, the family acquired Arabic while preserving Persian as oral language for about 200 years.