
Burebrot, Bauernbrot, Pain paysan or Pane del nonno (English: Farmers' bread) is a bread made in Switzerland. "Bauernbrot" is also made in Germany. Unlike most other breads, which are mainly composed of flour, yeast and water, the Burebrot also contains milk. The bread is made by mixing rye and wheat flour, water, salt, yeast and a leavening agent into a dough, which is formed into a round shape. After 70 to 90 minutes, the surface is cut with a knife to create a decorative lozenge pattern and the bread is baked first at a high, then at a moderate temperature until the crust is crunchy.


Burebrot, Bauernbrot, Pain paysan or Pane del nonno (English: Farmers' bread) is a bread made in Switzerland. "Bauernbrot" is also made in Germany. Unlike most other breads, which are mainly composed of flour, yeast and water, the Burebrot also contains milk. The bread is made by mixing rye and wheat flour, water, salt, yeast and a leavening agent into a dough, which is formed into a round shape. After 70 to 90 minutes, the surface is cut with a knife to create a decorative lozenge pattern and the bread is baked first at a high, then at a moderate temperature until the crust is crunchy.