Business decision mapping

Business decision mapping (BDM) is a technique for making decisions, particularly for the kind of decisions that often need to be made in business. It involves using diagrams to help articulate and work through the decision problem, from initial recognition of the need through to communication of the decision and the thinking behind it. BDM is centered on the creation of a decision map – a single diagram that brings together in one organized structure all the fundamental elements of a decision, and that functions as a focus of collaboration.

Business decision mapping

Business decision mapping (BDM) is a technique for making decisions, particularly for the kind of decisions that often need to be made in business. It involves using diagrams to help articulate and work through the decision problem, from initial recognition of the need through to communication of the decision and the thinking behind it. BDM is centered on the creation of a decision map – a single diagram that brings together in one organized structure all the fundamental elements of a decision, and that functions as a focus of collaboration.