Byglandsfjord Station

Byglandsfjord Station in the village of Byglandsfjord, Norway, was the terminus station for Setesdalsbanen that trafficked the stretch (Kristiansand-) Grovane - Byglandsfjord until the track was closed in 1962. Further transport into the valley of Setesdal happened by steamboat on the Byglandsfjorden lake. One of the steamers, Bjoren, is preserved and still takes passengers during the summer season. The station was built in dragestil and is now used as a library. It was designed by architect Paul Due and listed in 1895.

Byglandsfjord Station

Byglandsfjord Station in the village of Byglandsfjord, Norway, was the terminus station for Setesdalsbanen that trafficked the stretch (Kristiansand-) Grovane - Byglandsfjord until the track was closed in 1962. Further transport into the valley of Setesdal happened by steamboat on the Byglandsfjorden lake. One of the steamers, Bjoren, is preserved and still takes passengers during the summer season. The station was built in dragestil and is now used as a library. It was designed by architect Paul Due and listed in 1895.