C3 (novel series)

C³, also known as C Cube (シーキューブ Shīkyūbu) or Cube×Cursed×Curious, is a Japanese light novel series written by Hazuki Minase and illustrated by Sasorigatame about Haruaki Yachi who receives a mysterious black cube from his father. That night, Haruaki is woken by a noise and finds a girl named Fear in his kitchen eating rice crackers. Haruaki then has to protect Fear from organizations that seek to capture or destroy her. Luckily, Haruaki has plenty of other friends like Fear willing to help. It was adapted into a manga and anime series at the second half of 2011.

C3 (novel series)

C³, also known as C Cube (シーキューブ Shīkyūbu) or Cube×Cursed×Curious, is a Japanese light novel series written by Hazuki Minase and illustrated by Sasorigatame about Haruaki Yachi who receives a mysterious black cube from his father. That night, Haruaki is woken by a noise and finds a girl named Fear in his kitchen eating rice crackers. Haruaki then has to protect Fear from organizations that seek to capture or destroy her. Luckily, Haruaki has plenty of other friends like Fear willing to help. It was adapted into a manga and anime series at the second half of 2011.