
Caged is a 1950 film noir directed by John Cromwell and starring Eleanor Parker, Agnes Moorehead, Ellen Corby and Hope Emerson. It was nominated for three Academy Awards. The movie tells the story of a teenage newlywed sent to prison for being an accessory to a robbery. Her experiences while incarcerated, along with the killing of her husband, change her from a frightened young girl into a hardened convict.


Caged is a 1950 film noir directed by John Cromwell and starring Eleanor Parker, Agnes Moorehead, Ellen Corby and Hope Emerson. It was nominated for three Academy Awards. The movie tells the story of a teenage newlywed sent to prison for being an accessory to a robbery. Her experiences while incarcerated, along with the killing of her husband, change her from a frightened young girl into a hardened convict.