California State Tartan

The California State Tartan is the official tartan of the State of California, created July 23, 2001 and defined under law in California state government code 424.3, (a) The tartan defined in subdivision (b) is the official State Tartan, and may be claimed by any resident of the state. The tartan is specifically defined by the following weave code: Y..B..G...S..G...S..G...S..G...B...A...B..K... Ancient Colors8..2..20..4..20..8..20..4..20..32..56..2..8... Full Pivots

California State Tartan

The California State Tartan is the official tartan of the State of California, created July 23, 2001 and defined under law in California state government code 424.3, (a) The tartan defined in subdivision (b) is the official State Tartan, and may be claimed by any resident of the state. The tartan is specifically defined by the following weave code: Y..B..G...S..G...S..G...S..G...B...A...B..K... Ancient Colors8..2..20..4..20..8..20..4..20..32..56..2..8... Full Pivots