Camidge family

The Camidge family supplied York Minster with organists for 103 years. Its members were * John Camidge (1735–1803), in office 1756-1803 * John's son Matthew Camidge (1758–1844), in office 1799-1842), as well as some psalm chants still in the Anglican repertoire, Matthew wrote "Six Concertos for the Organ or grand Piano Forte" * Matthew's son John Camidge II (1790–1850), in office 1842-59) * John's son Thomas Simpson Camidge (1828–1913) * Thomas's son John Henry Norrison Camidge (1853–1939) * William Camidge, the son of John Camidge II, wrote a biography of William Etty.

Camidge family

The Camidge family supplied York Minster with organists for 103 years. Its members were * John Camidge (1735–1803), in office 1756-1803 * John's son Matthew Camidge (1758–1844), in office 1799-1842), as well as some psalm chants still in the Anglican repertoire, Matthew wrote "Six Concertos for the Organ or grand Piano Forte" * Matthew's son John Camidge II (1790–1850), in office 1842-59) * John's son Thomas Simpson Camidge (1828–1913) * Thomas's son John Henry Norrison Camidge (1853–1939) * William Camidge, the son of John Camidge II, wrote a biography of William Etty.