Camille (2008 film)

Camille is a 2008 American romantic comedy film directed by Gregory Mackenzie and starring James Franco and Sienna Miller. The film concerns two ill-matched newlyweds, Silas Parker (Franco) and Camille Foster (Miller) and their honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls. After Camille is killed in a motorcycle accident early in the film, she continues to behave as though alive and the remorseful Silas begins to develop loving feelings for her.

Camille (2008 film)

Camille is a 2008 American romantic comedy film directed by Gregory Mackenzie and starring James Franco and Sienna Miller. The film concerns two ill-matched newlyweds, Silas Parker (Franco) and Camille Foster (Miller) and their honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls. After Camille is killed in a motorcycle accident early in the film, she continues to behave as though alive and the remorseful Silas begins to develop loving feelings for her.