
Candomblé (Portuguese pronunciation: [kɐ̃dõmˈblɛ], dance in honour of the gods) is a religion, practiced mainly in Brazil by the "povo do santo" (people of the saint). Candomblé officially originated in Salvador, Bahia at the beginning of the 19th century, when the first temple was founded. Although Candomblé is practiced primarily in Brazil, it is also practiced in other Latin American countries, including Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Venezuela, having as many as two million followers.


Candomblé (Portuguese pronunciation: [kɐ̃dõmˈblɛ], dance in honour of the gods) is a religion, practiced mainly in Brazil by the "povo do santo" (people of the saint). Candomblé officially originated in Salvador, Bahia at the beginning of the 19th century, when the first temple was founded. Although Candomblé is practiced primarily in Brazil, it is also practiced in other Latin American countries, including Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Venezuela, having as many as two million followers.