Candy Desk

The Candy Desk has been a tradition of the United States Senate since 1968, whereby a senator who sits at a desk near a busy entrance keeps a drawer full of candy for members of the body. The same desk has not always been used; the Candy Desk was moved to its present position on the Republican side of the chamber after over three decades on the Democratic side, where it was used by several senators. The current occupant of the Candy Desk is Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey.

Candy Desk

The Candy Desk has been a tradition of the United States Senate since 1968, whereby a senator who sits at a desk near a busy entrance keeps a drawer full of candy for members of the body. The same desk has not always been used; the Candy Desk was moved to its present position on the Republican side of the chamber after over three decades on the Democratic side, where it was used by several senators. The current occupant of the Candy Desk is Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey.