
Capricode is a Finnish privately owned Finnish technology provider, founded in 2002. Capricode’s main product is SyncShield, a Mobile device management (MDM) solution for Service Providers, Integrators, Enterprise Customers, OEM and Technology partners. Capricode is a privately owned company having the head office in Oulu, Finland. Capricode focuses on standard-based software products and services. In research and development activities Capricode uses Agile software development methods.


Capricode is a Finnish privately owned Finnish technology provider, founded in 2002. Capricode’s main product is SyncShield, a Mobile device management (MDM) solution for Service Providers, Integrators, Enterprise Customers, OEM and Technology partners. Capricode is a privately owned company having the head office in Oulu, Finland. Capricode focuses on standard-based software products and services. In research and development activities Capricode uses Agile software development methods.