Captain Chaos

Captain Chaos is a fictional character in the Cannonball Run movie series. He is the alter-ego of mild-mannered mechanic Victor Prinzim (Dom DeLuise). Whenever Victor or any of his friends are being threatened, Victor is instantly compelled to don his satin cape and mask to become Captain Chaos. Doctors have diagnosed Victor with multiple personality disorder, even though Victor is convinced that he actually channels the true spirit of a living superhero who always arrives just in time to save the day.

Captain Chaos

Captain Chaos is a fictional character in the Cannonball Run movie series. He is the alter-ego of mild-mannered mechanic Victor Prinzim (Dom DeLuise). Whenever Victor or any of his friends are being threatened, Victor is instantly compelled to don his satin cape and mask to become Captain Chaos. Doctors have diagnosed Victor with multiple personality disorder, even though Victor is convinced that he actually channels the true spirit of a living superhero who always arrives just in time to save the day.