
CelsiusPro AG is a Swiss company specialized in structuring and originating tailored weather index products worldwide. Using a proprietary platform, CelsiusPro enables online price calculation, execution and position reporting as well as weather statistics and analysis. It is predominantly active in the primary weather market offering corporate hedges to companies from weather dependent industries such as: energy, construction, agriculture, tourism and leisure, events and transportation. In addition, CelsiusPro structures and implements micro weather index schemes in developing countries. It is the winner of the 2009 Swiss Insurance Industry award for Innovation.


CelsiusPro AG is a Swiss company specialized in structuring and originating tailored weather index products worldwide. Using a proprietary platform, CelsiusPro enables online price calculation, execution and position reporting as well as weather statistics and analysis. It is predominantly active in the primary weather market offering corporate hedges to companies from weather dependent industries such as: energy, construction, agriculture, tourism and leisure, events and transportation. In addition, CelsiusPro structures and implements micro weather index schemes in developing countries. It is the winner of the 2009 Swiss Insurance Industry award for Innovation.