Central Bureau

The Central Bureau was one of two Allied Sigint organisations in the South West Pacific area (SWPA) during World War II. Central Bureau was attached to the HQ of the Allied Commander of the South West Pacific area, Douglas MacArthur. The other unit was the joint RAN/USN Fleet Radio Unit, Melbourne (FRUMEL), which was subordinate to the Commander of the USN 7th Fleet. Central Bureau's role was to research and decrypt intercepted IJA (land and air) traffic and work in close co-operation with other SIGINT centres in the USA, United Kingdom and India.

Central Bureau

The Central Bureau was one of two Allied Sigint organisations in the South West Pacific area (SWPA) during World War II. Central Bureau was attached to the HQ of the Allied Commander of the South West Pacific area, Douglas MacArthur. The other unit was the joint RAN/USN Fleet Radio Unit, Melbourne (FRUMEL), which was subordinate to the Commander of the USN 7th Fleet. Central Bureau's role was to research and decrypt intercepted IJA (land and air) traffic and work in close co-operation with other SIGINT centres in the USA, United Kingdom and India.