Central Churchmanship

The term came into use in the late nineteenth century when traditional High Churchmen decided to distance themselves from Anglo-Catholicism and Ritualism(:357)). Central Churchmen value both the official liturgies of the Church of England, which they clothe in a moderate amount of ceremonial and a characteristically Anglican way of doing theology that is rooted in the Bible, and the Councils and Creeds of the Early Church, whilst acknowledging the contribution made by the English Reformation. In their theological thinking they steer a middle course between the Anglo-Catholic and Evangelical parties,(:112) both of which are perceived as being extreme by Central Churchmen. F. A. Iremonger places William Temple among this group emphasizing that Temple had a firm hold on the articles of the hi

Central Churchmanship

The term came into use in the late nineteenth century when traditional High Churchmen decided to distance themselves from Anglo-Catholicism and Ritualism(:357)). Central Churchmen value both the official liturgies of the Church of England, which they clothe in a moderate amount of ceremonial and a characteristically Anglican way of doing theology that is rooted in the Bible, and the Councils and Creeds of the Early Church, whilst acknowledging the contribution made by the English Reformation. In their theological thinking they steer a middle course between the Anglo-Catholic and Evangelical parties,(:112) both of which are perceived as being extreme by Central Churchmen. F. A. Iremonger places William Temple among this group emphasizing that Temple had a firm hold on the articles of the hi