Chansonnier (singer)

A chansonnier (female: chansonnière) was a poet songwriter, solitary singer, who sang his or her own songs (chansons) with a guitar in Quebec, Canada, during the 1960s and 1970s. Compared to the popular singer, the chansonnier needs no artifice to sing his/her soul poetry. They performed in «Les Boites à Chansons». which were flourishing in those years. The themes of their songs varied but included nature, love, simplicity, and a social interest to improve their world. The chansonnier made way for social and political awareness during the Quiet Revolution, (La Révolution Tranquille) that led to the affirmation of Quebecers' National identity.

Chansonnier (singer)

A chansonnier (female: chansonnière) was a poet songwriter, solitary singer, who sang his or her own songs (chansons) with a guitar in Quebec, Canada, during the 1960s and 1970s. Compared to the popular singer, the chansonnier needs no artifice to sing his/her soul poetry. They performed in «Les Boites à Chansons». which were flourishing in those years. The themes of their songs varied but included nature, love, simplicity, and a social interest to improve their world. The chansonnier made way for social and political awareness during the Quiet Revolution, (La Révolution Tranquille) that led to the affirmation of Quebecers' National identity.