Chatham pigeon

The Chatham pigeon, Chatham Island pigeon, or parea (from Moriori) (Hemiphaga chathamensis) is a bird endemic to the Chatham Islands in New Zealand. Growing to 800g in weight and 55 cm in length, the Chatham pigeon is a relative of the kererū or New Zealand pigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae). Traditionally considered a subspecies of the kererū, it was proposed in 2001 to be distinct enough to be raised to full species status.

Chatham pigeon

The Chatham pigeon, Chatham Island pigeon, or parea (from Moriori) (Hemiphaga chathamensis) is a bird endemic to the Chatham Islands in New Zealand. Growing to 800g in weight and 55 cm in length, the Chatham pigeon is a relative of the kererū or New Zealand pigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae). Traditionally considered a subspecies of the kererū, it was proposed in 2001 to be distinct enough to be raised to full species status.